dilluns, 1 de desembre del 2008

Hello , my name is Eliza Lazarov and today I'm going to show you my oral presentation about Duncan James.I've chosed to talk about him because I'm a very big fan of him since I was ten(10) and I like him a lot .

We will start talking about him and i will start by saying that his real name is Duncan Matthew James Inglis and he was born ed on April 7, 1978, in Salisbury and he is an English singer , actor and television presenter.

His Early years and family

Inglis grew up in Dorset and he was raised by his mother and grandfather because his father , his father ... "mmmm" i mean his father abandoned him before he ,he was born.He was educated in three different schools , he started with Dumpton School (where his grandfather worked as a music teacher), he continued with the Milldown School in Blandford after that he goes to Corfe Hills School in Corfe Mullen.

Ok! According to an interview he gave to Gabby Logan on BBC Radio 5 Live on the morning of July 28, 2007, he is a great-grandson of Herbert Chapman, and this guy is the manager of the Arsenal in the 1930sWe will talk now about his career with the group, the boyBRAND, BOYBAND "blue" and early 200o Duncan with Antoni , Antoni Costa tried to convince lee Ryan and Simon Webb to complete this group, named blue . Blue was a very successful group and they get to be very famous in countries like U.K. Portugal, Italy , Egypt ,New Zealand and i think Australia to . From May 2001, when the group released its first single, "All Rise", until 2004, when the band released its final chart-qualifying single, "Curtain Falls", Blue had achieved 11 Top 10 singles in the UK, three of which went to #1. they achieved to the top, they were very good .

His solo career

He, I mean for me , my personal idea is that his solo career is a little bit a disaster because all his songs were like bad, i mean they didn't get to have any commercial success so i mean he started to collaborate with Keedie with "I believe my heart" on October 2004 , after that he continued with the , i mean he by himself with the song "sooner or later " in may 2006 and the last one , and his last try , another single named "can't stop a river " and that one was from august 21 , 2005 this last one is very similar to the other one so that's why he didn't get much popularity , he ended dropping this business because he wasn't very successful ...

His personal life

We know about him that he has a daughter named Tiannie-Finn (was born one day before me on 26 February 2005), with his ex-girlfriend, Claire Grainger. It was revealed his love for this woman on Dancing on Ice .

And that is all , now if you have any questions could you please ask me