divendres, 14 de novembre del 2008

...::::: Fragile ::::.....

In Wight Island, Amy Nicholls arrives in the old Mercy Falls Children Hospital to work as night nurse as replacement of the former nurse Susan. The hospital is in a deactivation process, with the patients being transferred to Saint James Hospital; however, due to a train crash, the closing process has been postponed. Amy is introduced to eight children with lung cases by the nurse Helen Perez, and she feels a sort of attraction for the terminal girl Maggie. Maggie likes to play with some letter blocks to talk with the "mechanical girl" called Charlotte that would live upstairs, in an abandoned floor. Amy asks about Charlotte to her coworkers and they explain that she is an urban legend and the Maggie is making up her existence. But sooner they find that the children can not be transferred to Saint James since there is something evil that wants to keep them near.

First Email

My Sweet suMMer [2008]
At the start of my fabulous and unforgettable summer I worked in a restaurant in the camping Amfora that is situate in Sant Pere Pescador,the village next to mine (l'Armentera).I had a lot of good experience and I met plenty of interesting and different people,fact that made me change my opinion about other countries around Europe.
After work we usually went to the disco pub of the camping(if you could imagine a place full of Dutch and German teenagers then you would have a very good idea about what it was like)
With the money that i earned i bought a good quality digital camera,I did some body piercing and at the same time i saved some money for the Christmas presents that i will buy for my family and friends.
After all these good things that have happened to me lately, I feel pleased with myself i now that i have achieved so much and I seriously believe that this was the best Summer of my life ,everything went exactly the way that i wanted to be.
Right now I find myself in my living room ,listening the sweet and mysterious song of my parrot Luna and I understand that the fun is over and now I'm prepared to settle down and concentrate on my studies

My Opinion About Thirteen

I think it's great that Nikki Reed (the Screenwriter) could take her past experiences and turn them into something positive - producing a film that touched viewers of all ages. Even though I am not thirteen, I could relate to the characters at thirteen as well as presently. Some viewers may consider topics in the movie too advanced for thirteen year olds but for some thirteen year olds this is untrue. Each topic portrayed in the movie exists in the lives of some young adults and affects them as shown in the movie. I thought that the film was not only eye opening to young adults but eye opening to their parents as well. As sad and devastating as the paths taken by these young women in the film were, the paths do exist.

dijous, 13 de novembre del 2008

HorroR StoRy

Here's one I heard on the radio from a woman who told her story about seeing a ghost, which is scary: A few years ago, the woman and her family had just moved to a new house somewhere in Transilvannia, Brasov, Rumania. One night, her baby son was crying so she got out of bed and went to see him. Suddenly, the baby stopped crying. The woman knew that he must have fallen asleep so she went back to bed. A few hours later, the baby cried again, so she got up and went over to check again. As she opened the door to her son's room, she saw a boy, about 6 or 7 years old, calming the baby down. When he saw the woman, he disappeared. The woman was shocked and later told her neighbours what happened. The neighbours already knew about the ghost and told her that there was a boy who died from an illness, about 80 years ago, and was buried under the exact place where her baby son's room is